
Thursday, May 05, 2005


Fifth day of the Fifth month of the Year Five of the Second Millenium.

Cinco de Mayo.

Six years and one day since Phil Wingert died.

A excise cop, a fire marshal, a robbery detective, and a park ranger and his drug dog walk into a bar . . .

Not a joke,but, of course, this same situation took place last Saturday night at Sidewinders on Indy's Southside. This is a bar about 20 blocks north of our place. I always thought that the bar would probably do its best to live up to its name, Sidewinders. No mention of meth or oxy.

On 4/30/05, shortly before midnight, South District officers, an Indiana Excise officer, an IFD Deputy Fire
Marshal, an IPD Robbery detective, and a Park Ranger and his drug dog, conducted a pro-active law
enforcement effort at Sidewinders bar, 1847 S. State Av. This resulted in a total of eleven arrests for various
charges including dealing and possession of cocaine, extreme intoxication, and auto theft. Additionally, six
people received citations for possession of false identification and minors in a tavern. The owner received
citations for a variety of liquor law violations. There were more than 225 people in the building, which has a
rated capacity of 125. Other dangerous violations were noted by the Deputy Fire Marshal, such as only one
working entrance/exit (all the other doors were padlocked). After the bar was emptied, officers discovered
approximately 25 bindles of powder cocaine scattered throughout the bar. It should be noted that the bar’s
license is up for renewal.

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